word definition source of discovery
abrogate to abolish by authority cormac mccarthy
aerie a house or stronghold perched on a height the eternal world, clark ashton smith
apposite appropriate, relevant blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
augury an omen or sign of something coming blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
aureate having qualities of gold the death of malygris, clark ashton smith
bier a stand on which a corpse or a coffin containing a corpse is placed before burial blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
bruit to spread news of blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
byssus a fine textile fiber and fabric of flax sadastor, clark ashton smith
carboy a large rigid container for transporting liquid blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
chancel the space around an altar in a church blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
chary cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something the dark age, clark ashton smith
chine the backbone or spine of an animal; figuratively, a ridge of land blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
clackdish a dish with a movable lid used by beggars who clack the lid to draw attention blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
coign a projecting corner or angle of a wall or building the dark age, clark ashton smith
dolmen a neolithic tomb consisting of two or more upright megaliths supporting a large flat horizontal capstone blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
exhort to urge by strong or stirring argument blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
eyrie see aerie the city of the singing flame, clark ashton smith
flense to strip the skin or blubber from (e.g., a whale) blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
fusil a light flintlock musket blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
itinerant traveling from place to place to perform work or a duty blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
jornada a march or journey performed in a day blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
kerf a groove or notch made by a cutting tool, such as a saw or an axe blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
lintel a horizontal beam spanning a an opening (door, window, etc) blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
marmorean having qualities of marble sadastor, clark ashton smith
moraine a mass of rocks and sediment carried down and deposited by a glacier, typically as ridges at its edges or extremity the dark age, clark ashton smith
mullion a vertical element that forms a division between the units of a window or screen blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
pall to become insipid, boring, or wearisome blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
quinquereme an ancient warship with oars on either side
quirt a short whip with a braided leather lash associated with the southwestern united states blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
ratchel gravelly stone blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
reliquary a receptacle for keeping sacred relics blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
scoria the refuse of a smelted metal or ore; slag blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
seamy sordid, base blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
squail to throw sticks at small animals; to throw something about awkwardly blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
swale a low, moist, marshy tract of land blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
switchback a sharp bend in a road on a steep incline blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
sybaritic fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent the dark age, clark ashton smith
talus pile of rock fragments at the base of a cliff blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
thew muscular power or strength blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
transpicuous easily construed or seen through the crystals, clark ashton smith
treebole the main part of a tree trunk blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
vadose relating to water located underground above the water table blood meridian, cormac mccarthy
van wing (archaic) sadastor, clark ashton smith
whinstone any hard dark-colored rock blood meridian, cormac mccarthy